How much is a ton of 5086 aluminum sheet?

5086 aluminum sheet is a 5-series aluminum-magnesium alloy aluminum sheet with high corrosion resistance, good weldability and medium strength. It is widely used in ships, automobiles, fireproof pressure vessels, refrigeration devices, TV towers, inspection equipment, transportation Equipment, Armor, etc.

5086 aluminum sheet performance advantages:

1. High corrosion resistance, medium strength, good weldability;

2. Low density, high tensile strength and high elongation;

3. There are no oil spots, no waves, no scratches, no roll marks on the surface of the aluminum sheet, neat trimming, and no burrs;


How much is a ton of 5086 aluminum sheet?

How much is a ton of 5086 aluminum sheet? Since there are many manufacturers of 5086 aluminum sheets on the market, their prices are also affected by various factors. The market quotations of 5086 with different thicknesses and widths are also high and low. In order for users to buy 5086 aluminum sheets with high cost performance, you can contact us We obtain quotations, and the account manager will provide you with the best solution and the latest quotation according to your needs.