Five quenching states of aluminum sheet

The basic states of the aluminum plate can be divided into F, O, H, T, and W. These five states represent the five processes and links of the aluminum plate. The performance and price of the aluminum plate in different states will also be very different.

F-state aluminum sheet

The F state is also known as the random production and processing state. The organic chemical properties of the mechanical equipment of the F state aluminum plate are not explicitly stipulated. The customers who purchase the F state aluminum plate generally have special requirements for the performance of the aluminum plate. After purchase, they will carry out the required production processing, hardening and heat treatment processes to obtain the required structural mechanical and organic chemical properties.

O-state aluminum sheet

The O state is also known as the most quenched state. O does not have a subdivided state, which means that only most of the quenched aluminum products can obtain the minimum compressive strength.

H state aluminum sheet

The H state is also known as the cold work hardening state, which represents the aluminum plate with improved compressive strength after work hardening. There are many subdivided states of H state, such as H18 state, 1 and 8, di a data represents the process treatment: 1 is cold work hardening, 2 is a small part of quenching after production, 3 is ultra-low temperature quenching after production; the second data Representative strength: 1-8, 1, 8.


T-state aluminum sheet

The T state refers to the heat treatment process state of the aluminum plate, indicating that the aluminum plate is stable after cold work hardening. The T state has subdivision states, which represent different process treatments, and the states range from T0 to T10. In the T state, Tx51 represents the removal of thermal stress, such as the T6 state. After the thermal stress is removed, it is indicated as T651.

W state aluminum sheet

The W state refers to the process state of heat treatment and tempering. The W state is unstable, indicating that the aluminum plate is subject to natural aging at room temperature after heat treatment and tempering. The W state only represents that the aluminum plate is in the natural aging process.

To sum up, the five basic states of aluminum sheets - F, O, H, T, W, all have their own advantages and properties. I hope the above detailed explanation can help you have a more comprehensive grasp of aluminum plate products and help you choose the right aluminum plate products for you. MC Aluminum has complete product specifications and huge production capacity to meet your individual processing needs. MC Aluminum can provide you with the latest product quotations. Looking forward to your consultation!