What are the advantages of aluminum roof panels?


Roof panels are panels that can directly bear roof loads. Roofing panels are located on the roof of the house and are usually made of metals such as aluminum-magnesium-manganese alloys, so they are also called aluminum roofing panels. Aluminum roofing panels are also known as corrugated aluminum panels, pressed aluminum panels, corrugated aluminum panels or aluminum shingles. It is one of the commonly used products in construction, which is becoming more and more popular and has a tendency to replace stainless steel and iron plate. It's lightweight and durable, and meets most builders and homeowners' standards.

Aluminum roof panels generally use the Coil Coated process, which has the advantages of good color control, uniform film formation, high quality stability, and environmental protection. This type of coating generally uses PVDF fluorocarbon paint containing more than 70% of fluorocarbon resin.


What are the advantages of aluminum roof panels?

1. Excellent weather resistance and corrosion resistance.

It has been verified by practice that aluminum roof panels show good weather resistance in various climatic conditions, and show good corrosion resistance in acid, alkali, and salt chemical corrosion environments.

2. Outstanding waterproof performance.

No waterproof layer is available in 15-90 degree roof building.

3. The wind and earthquake resistance.

90 degrees building facade decoration safe and reliable, able to withstand 12 strong winds.

4. Good fire resistance performance.

The material is fire-resistant grade B1, is a non-flammable material.

5. Great silencer and heat insulation performance.

The porous foam core has good noise attenuation and heat insulation properties.

6, Large area and light weight.

Lightweight materials to reduce the construction load.

7. Rich colors, lasting stability.

Fluorocarbon paint coating, rich colors, smooth surface, acid and alkali resistant, no mildew.

8. High toughness and strength.

Better than similar products with toughness and strength.

9. Convenient construction.

Products can be directly nailed, drilled, sawed, planed and can be easily treated with special roof shapes such as facades and arc windows.

10. Environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable.

The above are the advantages of aluminium pre painted roofing sheets. MC Aluminum has complete product specifications and huge production capacity to meet your individual processing needs. MC Aluminum can provide you with the latest product quotations. Looking forward to your consultation!