The difference between O state and H24 of 1060 aluminum sheet

1060 aluminum coil is a pure aluminum alloy with an aluminum content of 99.6%, which is a commonly used aluminum alloy. Good elongation and tensile strength make the cheap 1060 aluminum plate highly praised in the market. I often hear customers ask, what is the difference between 1060-O aluminum plate and 1060-H24 aluminum plate.

First of all, we need to know that the O state is a state of the aluminum plate, which is the product of the aluminum plate after annealing. The same grade of aluminum alloy is divided into two different forms: O state and H state.


1.In terms of production process:

O state aluminum plate is formed by crystallization after complete annealing, while H24 is the state of incomplete annealing after work hardening.

2.In terms of physical properties:

The O state aluminum plate is softer, while the H24 state aluminum plate is harder than the O state. That is to say, the hardness of the 1060 aluminum plate in the H24 state is greater than that of the 1060 aluminum plate in the O state.

3.From the scope of use:

Because the O-state aluminum plate is relatively soft, it is easy to bend and deep draw, and it is mainly used in decoration, packaging, and other industries. The H24 state is harder and can be drawn, sheared, and bent. It is generally used in curtain wall, machining and other industries.

MC Aluminum has complete product specifications and huge production capacity, specializing in the production of various specifications of aluminum sheets, aluminum coils, aluminum circles and other aluminum products, which can meet your individual processing needs and provide you with the latest product quotations. Looking forward to your consultation!