6 series automotive aluminum sheet manufacturers


Due to the need to protect the environment and save energy, light-duty vehicles use modern design methods and effective means to improve the design of automotive products, or use new materials to reduce vehicle maintenance costs as much as possible under the premise of ensuring the performance of comprehensive indicators of vehicle performance, thereby improving vehicles. Excellent dynamic performance, reduced fuel consumption and reduced exhaust pollution. Lightweight aluminum alloy frame vehicles can not only reduce size, but also meet the following requirements: keep the dynamic performance of the original car unaffected, ensure vehicle quality, shock resistance and comfort, and the cost of the car will not increase.

Aluminum alloy is currently an ideal lightweight material. According to experiments, the weight of the vehicle can be reduced by 10%, and the fuel efficiency can be increased by 6%-8%. For every 100 kg reduction in vehicle curb weight, the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers can be reduced by 0.3-0.6 liters; The weight of the car is reduced by 1%, and the fuel consumption can be reduced by 0.7%. Automobile lightweight has become the trend of the world trend.


Aluminum alloy materials are used in various parts of the car, respectively used to manufacture car body panels, frame, engine cylinder block, cylinder head, piston, intake manifold, rocker arm, engine suspension bracket, transmission housing, clutch housing Body, brake parts and cover shells, etc., can not only ensure the safety and comfort of the car, but also save fuel consumption and reduce pollution.

Among the many alloy grades, 6-series aluminum alloys are the main force used in the manufacture of automobile bodies. It belongs to the aluminum alloy that can be strengthened by heat treatment, and has high strength, good plasticity and excellent corrosion resistance. Compared with steel plate, it has low density, light weight and higher hardening coefficient than steel plate. At present, 6010, 6016, 6061, 6082, 6063 aluminum plates have been widely used in the outer panels, inner panels, bottom panels, wheels and other parts of automobile bodies.

Environmental protection requirements make the use of aluminum for lightweight vehicles an inevitable choice. As the best lightweight material, aluminum alloy will naturally usher in good development opportunities. In the future, aluminum materials for auto parts will develop towards energy saving, environmental protection, high technology and high quality.

MC Aluminum specializes in the production of aluminum sheets, including 6-series automotive aluminum sheets. The product models are complete and can be customized according to customer needs. They are exported worldwide with guaranteed quality and can provide sample mailing services. If you want to know product details and preferential quotations, please feel free to contact us us.